Almost a year has passed since the last post. Everyday life has returned to us more and more and we no longer have so many ‘important’ things to write about. Autumn 2023 almost didn’t exist. Winter arrived in October and remained persistent and extremely cold (several weeks below -30 degrees) until the beginning of May. But then it quickly became summer and really nice and warm. Three new calves were born between April and June. With Jakob as dad and the Scottish ladies as mum, a lovely mix has emerged. They are all doing well and are making the neighbourhood unsafe. The older calves are now together in the ‘teenage pasture’. Most of the time it’s quiet there, but every now and then the hormones go crazy and they run around. It’s marvellous to see how happy they are. Thanks to a successful fundraising campaign, we are able to re-roof the barn and now have our own band saw to cut the wood for all the upcoming projects ourselves. Urs is now permanently employed as a «Skotare» and Patricia is also working for the municipality for 9 weeks in the summer. As the Kaffestuga is also open on Sundays from Easter to the end of August, we are currently pretty busy. We are almost looking forward to the quiet winter again. But now we are enjoying the bright, sunny summer with lots of lovely visitors, the animals and the exciting projects.
Time flies