That’s us
Back in Switzerland Urs used to work as an electrician and Patricia as a teacher and as clerk. For a long time we dreamt of having a big garden and a little farm with animals. Here in Sweden, we have the chance, to finally live this dream. Our goal is, to be able to make our living with renting out the two stugor and manage our farm.
That’s how we live

Our senior dog Shila also migrated with us. She got 15 on the 22nd of January 2024. In the cold winter she acutally needs a jacket as well as some paw protection for going outside. Sometimes she thinks, that’s just annoying. So, at the moment she prefers to stay in the house in wintertime. While she sits on the back of the sofa and looks out of the window, she enjoys the warmth coming out of the heaters underneath the windows.

We heat with wood
That means, we have central heating with hot water. However, to heat the water we have to make a fire in the kettle so that the radiators can spread the warmth in the house. For the first year we had to buy the wood we needed, now we are able to take the wood we need from our own forest. Which means a lot of work every year but is well worth it.

We grope our way
Our first work in the first autumn was to cut the grass and put it away as good as possible from our future pastureland. This kind of work was completely new for us. An experienced farmer might had to smile about our method. However, our motto was: Learning by doing. And as team there is almost nothing, we are not able to do. And of course, there is always something to laugh about together as well. Meanwhile do the cows and goats their work when they eat the gras. It is always a beautiful sight to see them out in de fields.

Just help yourself
In the meantime, we cut our wood ourselves. Our goal is, to cut as much wood as we need for 3 years. Will we ever reach this goal? The last two years it did not work, there were just to much other things to do. So we just cut the wood we neede for every year. Urs really is an allrounder. He renovated our bathroom completely by himself, is hairdresser as well as carpenter, farmer, plumber, heating installer and much more.

Quality of life
Of course, we are not willing to miss enjoyment. We are still addicted to cinnamon rolls but have a lot of new swedish recipes. Patricia loves to bake her own bread and to try out many different new recipes. Our guests can prove them in the Kafestuga. However, there is still enough time to enjoy photography as well as hand lettering and sewing.